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Improve memory


I have an average memory and served in Defence force. I am preparing for a department exam. I want to perform above 80%.

So, please give me mantra for better memory and hard work without laziness.


Chant SLOW CARE over a glass of water and drink it daily.

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Improve your listening skills


Such a powerful words and wisdom, really felt at heart when you said – “Too much of thoughts – unwanted thoughts – obsess you and you have forgotten to listen. Listening happens when we become silent and Truth will reveal itself when we introspect.”

I have been facing the same thing, too many thoughts from morning all through night (with dreams occupying the mind in the night), the mind is running always.

And these cloud of thoughts, have made me incapable to “listen” anything truly. I have forgotten to listen.

Tell me how do I hear and listen with silence. Tell me with your wisdom, how I can experience the stillness and relax myself from the train of thoughts. I’m tired and helpless.


Write “HEATHER, WHITE CHESTNUT, AGRIMONY” in a paper and keep it under the pillow.


Heather, White Chestnut and Agrimony are Bach Flower remedies.

To improve your listening capacity: HEATHER

To come out of bombardment of thoughts: WHITE CHESTNUT

For internal turmoil (that stops you from listening): AGRIMONY